Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Omega Virgin On "A Question No Woman Or Mangina Will Ever Answer"---And My Response

From white and nerdy . . .

Lots of women and manginas say that the reason why I can’t get a girlfriend/get laid/am hated by women is because I’m a “misogynist asshole” or something similar. They say that women are staying away from me because they don’t want misogynists.

Knowing that claim, here is a question that no woman or mangina will ever answer. I wasn’t what they call a “misogynist” most of my life. I had a much better opinion of women most of my life. I was not born with my current opinions about women. They came from experience, especially my experiences with being the victim of false sexual harassment charges. Since so much of that happened before I developed my current view on women, then why did women treat me EXACTLY THE SAME as they do now? Why is not being a “misogynist” getting the exact same results as being a “misogynist”?

My response is here:

One of things they will never acknowledge is that no matter how your perspective is, the feminists, white knights, the media misandrists, and politicians will not come to grips that they have a mammoth hand in crafting the anti-male environment we have now. Openly admitting it would be confessing their guilt even with all the blatant disgust for men and masculinity that has been ongoing. Yet when men criticize feminism and its supporters and adherents for what they are and what they do, we are automatically branded as misogynists. It’s damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.

Of course, white and nerdy, they will claim you were bitter all along. It’s absolute nonsense, but as you know they will not ever expose their own complicity, or look in the mirror for the answer as to why men are ever coming to more of the conclusions we have about them.

I also have been accused of being a woman hater more than anything else. Regardless of what that’s supposed to mean to them (hell, even ignoring a woman’s whim has now been labeled as abuse or misogyny), one thing is clear—men who discover that Ameriskanks are far from flowers and light glean this from interaction and experiences with them, not from being shunned. I know some men that would actually prefer being ignored by women after a time considered all the abuse and lies hurled at them over the years. Anyone from Burton to Zed/Zenpriest has made this known; a man who has his eyes opened about the dark side of women does not become cynical and wary because they were like that to begin with—they become wary through dealing with them. Most men I know grew up with an almost idealistic view of women, if not placing them on pedestals. Unfortunately, some men never learn to grow out of that, and even get punished by their denial of skank and feminist behavior. Still, they will defend skanks, golddiggers, single moms, and feminists to the brink of hostility even though they will suffer in the long haul for it.

We have to look out for ourselves and promote our rational self-interest, with or without women. If this is “misogyny,” so be it.

They despise and fear men they ultimately can’t control. That’s what it’s really all about. Even abusive men still gravitate toward women, and there are women who will welcome them. A man that truly has power over a woman is one that can walk away—even one who has loved her in the past, but will no longer tolerate personal jabs and exploitative efforts from one.

I have pondered a few times why so many women have such open resentment and even hatred towards men. In the past, I thought Whiskey is not wholly correct about how Ameriskank women perceive beta men as disposable and loathsome, but now it’s seems much on par with what how they treat men as such. My own opinion is that they pretty much don’t give a shit about the majority of men, and it’s all about them. Period. Granted, that sentiment is in gradients, but it still holds true. But there is a counter to this, and one I hope catches on eventually.

I think enough is enough—I don’t care where that hidebound resent or even seething hatred comes from, and if feminism fuels that fire or not (which is most certainly does). I do not give credence to it. Feminists can bitch about patriarchy until the end of time and justify why they are so angry with men even while being underhanded about—it will never be something I will accept. Not as a man. No way. Not ever.

I honestly believe the MGTOW philosophy, in part, is a reaction for being mistreated as much as we are getting sick and tired of being looked upon as second class citizens (or less so) and want our sense of worth and rights as men upheld in general. I think Zed hit upon something when he pointed out your typical American skank doesn’t see as holistic human beings, and women are shocked when many men reveal we are deep wells that have more depth than they want to realize. This would mean we would have be treated as real equals on every level, and this is precisely what they don’t really want. Herein lies the difference between MGTOW and feminism . . . the latter is about female supremacy, power, control, and lack of accountability while still shunting the onus on men with almost everything.

No wonder more men are gradually awakening up.


Jenny said...

You know what I've noticed, Socio? Feminism is responsible for many women gravitating to as*holes. That's right: when it became officially rabid, men were told to suffocate, from boyhood, all semblences of strength and "be nice" to everyone and everything, esp. women. Eventually, the liberated women began by natural law to crave strong men, the existence of which they'd helped either hide or partially erase. And the result was that they gravitated to the as*holes with strong negative Game; in their confused search for male strength, they settled for poor imitations of it.

MarkyMark said...

That, Sir, is one of your FINEST pieces of writing! As one of the consistently good writers in the Manosphere, you've topped yourself this time; you've exceeded your normally high standard of excellence...

Sami said...

"I have pondered a few times why so many women have such open resentment and even hatred towards men"

In my experience? People come with baggage. Every single one of us does. Some people's baggage weighs more than others. Everyone has a past and not everyone will be particularly proud of that past. Some of the negative attitudes towards men will be pure prejudice, ignorance, superiority complexes, arrogance or all of the above and sometimes there's the other kind. It's experiences. It's what you've learned and discovered or even what you've always known.

My ex, for example, well, I wouldn‘t even call him a woman hater, despite his experiences which he very rarely talked about.

His baggage is completely justified. He was badly mistreated by two women, his mother and his ex wife both did things you wouldn't really wish on your worst enemy (obviously I won't go into detail out of respect to him) and of course, eventually, that valve will explode. Honestly, while the relationship was highly destructive and it was a relief to finally walk away, I owe that man a great deal of gratitude for teaching me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life.

The only person who can heal you, is you.

I had my own baggage to contend with, made a fair few mistakes, then ran headlong into my ex and he, honestly, changed my life for the better. As ridiculously destructive as the relationship was, he really turned my life around and I'll always owe him a lot for that.

I haven't had what you might call an easy life, but to actually take that out on people who weren't responsible for my own inner pain was, you just don't do that.

Karma, what goes around comes around, I ended up with the wrong guy, pretty much even more messed up than I was, took it out on me and from there I just sat up one day and said, what the heck am I doing? This isn't right!

He taught me that the only person who can heal you is you. Cause if you're messed up, you're gonna mess other people up and it truly is the good ones who suffer and always unjustly.

Honestly, I do genuinly thank him for actually forcing me to take a step back and take a good long, hard look at myself.

I know I'm gonna get slammed by feminists and even women everywhere for this and probably a fair few guys, but I honestly believe the best way to learn is through experience and sometimes, a good kick up the backside and a serious wake up call is needed for many.

I had to do a lot of soul searching and I have managed to put my past where it should be, in the past. I'd like to think after my last experience, I'm now a better person for it. Sometimes you have to be honest enough to actually say where you went wrong and to take responsibility for that.

The point is, in my usual, long winded way. It is through experiences that you form an opinion and the more you face those experiences and end up in the same situations, the more cynical and resentful of the treatment you'll become.

Anyway, sorry for that huge thing there. I did have a point somewhere. I hope it got across. A long, hard working week coupled with a child who can only be described as a bonafide energizer bunny doesn't make for a very sensical (is that even a word?) Sami.

And sorry for bearing my soul a bit there. I can be an emotional cookie at times. Please feel free to just delete everything I wrote. I just wanted you to know it's not just guys who hear your words and are moved enough by them to really hear the words and not just read them :)


Anonymous said...

W&N's fuckup was listening to THAT line of shit long enough to formulate his question in the first place.

First of all, it was pure shaming language, so it might as well be "Gibble-gobble-goo" for all the relevance it has.

Secondly,it is a natural fact that when you are a man and you are having ANY kind of a problem, women and manginas will ALWAYS blame you for it, ESPECIALLY in cases where they are culpable.On the other hand, a woman, in their eyes,IS NEVER RESPONSIBLE for her own problems.

Very probably, they see him wallowing around in his misery-and he really is, I'm not blaming or judging,just stating what I see- they feel bad for him,but they can't express that pity because they believe men are unworthy of it and also because to do so would be to admit guilt.

So what do they do? That's right, they do what women are best at. They rationalize.

"If W&N were really a good guy", the thinking runs, "women would be flocking to him, thus he must be a loser, a creep,or a misogynist,because women really want guys like W&N is pretending to be.So that misogynist deserves his misery."

White and Nerdy, the reason why you can't get a girlfriend is not because you are a misogynist asshole. You aren't. That is simple shaming language. No need to question the people who espouse or attempt to change their opinion because shaming language is not thought, but a prop that stands in for it in its absence.

Here's why you can't get a girlfriend. Women are like jury duty. If you want it, and you let it be known that you want it, they don't want you. They assume something must be wrong with you because jury duty sucks. The judges know it, the prosecutors know it, and every juror but you knows it.

If you want a chick, you got two choices, win the lottery, or mix it up in public, enjoy the fuck out of yourself doing despicable evil shit to people that would make the Marquis De Sade say "That is really fucked up,dude.". and don't act like any woman will ever be any part of it with you. *hypothetical situation* Find a woman pushing a stroller with a baby in it, walk up to her, and pimp slap her for no reason in plain view of everyone, then turn and walk away as if you were just swatting a fly. The pigs will let you go if you have no previous criminal record and by the time the arrest makes it to the newspapers women will be lining up to suck your dick.

Women cream their panties over senseless,horrendous,deplorable shit like that.

I feel bad for you,bro, because sadly the Ted Bundies of the world will probably rape and murder more women who throw themselves into their arms like lambs to the slaughter than you will fuck with your present attitude, but if you actually BECOME a sick twisted misogynist asshole instead of trying to convince people you're not, you WILL get pussy.

Then you will learn, as naturals like myself learn, that women are a millstone around your neck, not a gift from god.The only times I ever had women trying to get with me was when their bullshit was the last damn thing I needed at that moment.

There's a reason why fathers used to pay men to marry their daughters in most societies.

Burton said...

And we might ask why Roissy and other proponents of "game," who seem to have nothing but contempt for women, have those same females lining up to have sex with them.


I have pondered a few times why so many women have such open resentment and even hatred towards men.

Probably because a lot of womyn see the great things men have done, and are bouncing off the walls with frustration over the reality that they can not compete. Men have been responsible for every major technological, scientific, engineering, and philosophical development in the history of the world. And women?

(OK, objectivism is a major exception, but how many feminazis support Ayn Rand?)

So they take out their frustrations on men. The reason that your median feminist female can not grok IT or do anything more intellectual than footnote other feminist females is not their median IQ or lack of testosterone. It is all the fault of (grrrrrr!) men!


Anonymous said...

An old wise MAN once said, "You better put a woman in her place, or she will walk all over you."

Sociopathic Revelation said...

That's one thing (in the past) I would establish early on when I actually did date more until I decided the dating scene was rife with the game stacked against men---that I would not put up with too much bad behavior and walk away at a moment's notice if I had to. It's interesting how women would react to that, let me tell you.

The biggest power men have---and often don't employ it---is the power to say "No" to women and stand on their own if we have to. Ameriskanks cannot do the same despite protestations to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

Feminists lack self confidence, they don't trust in themselves... it's ridiculous! I am a woman aware of my own intelligence and talent, so I don't need to be a feminist. It's so simple!

Brazilian Woman.

Anonymous said...

"They came from experience, especially my experiences with being the victim of false sexual harassment charges. Since so much of that happened before I developed my current view on women, then why did women treat me EXACTLY THE SAME as they do now? Why is not being a “misogynist” getting the exact same results as being a “misogynist”?"

You can make this argument from a female point of view too --- if a woman has poor experiences with men, it's possible she may have more "feminist" or even "anti-men" sentiments such as "all men are pigs!" "all men are dogs", etc. Both genders do this.

Why did women treat you exactly the same as they do now? I don't know ... why do some men treat other men badly, why do some women treat other women badly, why do some women treat other men badly, why do some men treat other women badly?

Your viewpoint/worldview seems to work on a black/white sense of logic.

Not being a misogynist = women treat me like shit
Being a misogynist = women treat me like shit

It seems that you've trapped yourself in a self-fullfilling prophecy where women will always treat you like shit, no matter what.

Sociopathic Revelation said...

The only reason why I published your comment is that you fail to understand why Omega was making the observations in the first place.

That wasn't my quote, by the way. And you didn't even address anything in my commentary. Apparently, you don't understand what was really going on there.

You also make a false equivalency and don't even know why the behavior towards him was occurring, but still lay the blame on him for creating self fulfilling prophecy when he made it clear during that period he wanted to remove himself from situations that could be abusive, or have him tagged with some kind of harassment claim. If it was a self-fulfilling prophecy as you state, then why would he want to make steps to procure such things would not happen?

The fact of the matter is that women treating men badly is no where near as seen as grievous as the same behavior when men do it to women largely (even now) in Western culture. Period. Your "argument" is in reality dismissive and the fact that both genders engage in such mistreatment does not excuse women, nor does in clarify what the real problems are and that men suffer only to hear that exclamation, "Yeah, but there are women that get treated badly, too!" when it leads us no nowhere.

This blog isn't about the "Men do it, too" knee jerk reactions. It's about the malaise in modern women and what men can do to rise above and get perspective for themselves.

Much of the problems women have with men are often self-created, but we know who generally gets the blame for that.

Note that if you resort to impolite language in your next post (if you have one) do not expect it to show up. You have been warned once, and that is all. SR

Anonymous said...

Why would I resort to "impolite language" in my post? I thought I was rather polite.

"The fact of the matter is that women treating men badly is no where near as seen as grievous as the same behavior when men do it to women largely (even now) in Western culture. Period. Your "argument" is in reality dismissive and the fact that both genders engage in such mistreatment does not excuse women, nor does in clarify what the real problems are and that men suffer only to hear that exclamation, "Yeah, but there are women that get treated badly, too!" when it leads us no nowhere. "

True. And all abuse from women towards men should be taken seriously.