Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dancing With the Night Wind III: Deconstructing the Feminist View of Privilege

I wanted to give another shout to two of my friends that have diedaway for years now, but as it stands, this post is (in part) about that---and will segue into the topic I also wanted to discuss.

As someone that has not entered his twilight years, I am old enough to have experienced the pain and loss of family members and friends. I often wonder what Bryon and Marshall would have done with the rest of their lives had they lived as old as, perhaps, my maternal grandmother, who before entering a coma and passing in her 80s still had concern for me. She wanted to see me well loved is this lifetime, and even with the last conversation with me had on the phone, weakened, she still asked how I was doing and to keep myself healthy and strong . . . although her own health was gradually failing hers.

That's real love. No question.

I can't say definitively that a misandric culture could be directly attributed to two my friend's deaths. But as someone who has been critical of how society views and treats men and masculinity, there's a something to be said about it. I ruminate how if their quality of lives could have been improved, possessed the support structures that were lacking, and if something could have prevented them from dying younger than they should have. I have my own guilty thoughts about what I could have done, although there is only so much one can do.

Marshall and Bryon struggled in some ways that were different, and a few that were similar. Both had encroaching serious health problems for the last year or so of their lives. While I think Bryon would have---superficially---disagreed with me on the goals of feminism, with more revelatory examination, he would have realized that there was no real good that would ever benefit him with it.

Both, throughout their length of experiences, never enjoyed a life of an ivory tower academic or high-powered CEO. Any ground they gained was generally up to them as well as failings. Their struggles, as myriad as they were, were not the concern of feminism. As with so many men, men's issues are not a priority. These men were not born of privilege, just like most men---find themselves . . . having to sort through life battles of different areas. As some posters have stated on The Spearhead, it can take until a man's early 30s before he even begins to find himself mildly successful.

One serious mistake feminists and their cohorts make is to believe that men have dominance and privilege in our "patriarchal" system without examining how that manifests outside of their myopic perspective. Of course, they claim that transforming "patriarchy" would help men from their restrictions as well.

Guess what. Feminists, manginas, and their counterpart white knights cannot have this. Not one bit. By truly freeing men up, it would also mean that that men would no longer be in the service of women and rational self-interest would be a cardinal rule. No longer would the hideous talons of feminism would clutch us. People, feminists deeply hate this even if they are not completely certain why they loathe it. A man they cannot shame, scapegoat, blame, or control is perceived as either dangerous or useless.

Ultimately, though, feminists are concerned with power and control; with minimum accountability. They could not care less how men have made the modern world around them an environment more comfortable and safe to live in. This is one thing they mean by demanding men give up their "male privilege;" it's not about equality or egalitarianism. It's about who is the master symbolically holding the barbed whip, all the while justifying the use and abuse. And if anyone thinks that feminism is a deflated force in the social and legal circles, they are in earnest denial. Mary Kellett is one of the legions.

Of course, without men fulfilling utility purposes, you might as well be dead to them; after all, as an old Rush song says to the effect of there as to be someone to talk to and someone to sweep the floors. If you are the janitor, you're still beneath them in status, but you'd better be damn well working hard on your daily sanitation and getting things done. Or else.

I'll say it before, and I'll say it again---the real motive behind the shaming of men for alleged privileges is actually eroding away of what little men have as rights, what we are fighting for, and ultimately control of men; their labor, their money, their sexuality, and even down to the attention Ameriskanks desperately crave despite the label of being "independent." That's really what it's all about.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Good Quote about Western Men and Women---and the System

"It takes good men to rebel against all this evil, unfortunately, in order for these good men to have a chance and be sane, they need the support of a good woman. And Westernized women will never support a man who doesn't buy into the system and makes a wad of money, they like their security too much to invest in a risk taking male. So good men do nothing, play along, act like jerks, or become a selibite living a miserable lonely life sent to the fringes and diagnosed with mental illnesses."