Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ruminating About Misandry

I have found in my frequent journeys online as well as observations of misandry in daily life, the media, or in the political arena that it never seems to let up. Granted, in there's always a place where I escape from the unfettered ding of its raucous call in order to maintain a seamblance of peace---I have a few devices; cooking gourmet dinners for myself, walking around a local beach late at night or the grappling sessions I attend twice a week.

Still, I find that cannot sever myself from writing about this cultural malaise. Men are being removed as main authority of the family and sometimes even kicked out, with the ever-widening grip of the state encroaching in our lives. Young men are not as scholarly inclined or even discouraged to be more ambitious in school and college, and will have a significant effect on the economic course in our future. Despite some efforts to push for dual child custody in divorce court women are still favored as primary caretakers while many fathers have pay up for CS with limited access to their kids.
Debtor's prison, an Unconstitutional situation, is still enacted in many cases when man cannot financially maintain support payments. Maybe a mother has leveled false charges of abuse against a man to restrict visitation entirely or has found another lover while he slaves away. The ludicrous burden---what I consider should be illegal---of alimony is rewarded to greedy and vindictive-minded ex-wives. In the workplace, false accusations of sexual harassment have men walking on nails and although some countermeasures have been implemented as policy to curtail them, there are women that will still employ this a weapon to be rid of men they don't like or find "creepy" on a whim. Don't get me started on health funding, depression and suicide rates, hypergamy, slutwalks, and domestic violence.

What have feminists, feminism, and their counterparts have done to help men in dire need? If anything they have aided in spearheading legal and social misandry with no signs of letup. With the lie that feminism is supposed to be for legal and social equality, it has clearly shown its true colors---female supremacy---and anyone not giving homage to its poisonous credo is demonized, marginalized, or punished in some fashion.  With the Radfem Hub now made visible and its posters true thoughts laid bare, it is evident what they really think of men.  Many of the statements were particularly cruel, but one of them that troubled me was the suggestion that mothers could starve male infants and boys of affection and nurture in order to (essentially) let them die.  

How heartless.  Unbelievable.

One most note that many of these same women that have made these venomous statements are not exactly in the shadows in the first place; among them are career women and those in influential positions.  And yet, these feminists are the oppressed and victimized---or so they claim.  In reality, they want the power sans responsibility, and burden men further with absurd expectations.  It's the hideous irony that those purporting to champion equality secretly desire to regulate men to the status of second class citizens.  Or worse.

Given all of this, it's not surprising that there are men gradually men drifting away in a sense---refusing to support women without mutual reciprocation, tired of contributing to society with little reward, suspicious of Ameriskank behavior, and cynical of any romantic ideal after being hurt by women for too long or told over and over it's all their fault.  There's a lesson from the Radfem Hub revealing from Agent Orange; men are considered expendable.  Period.  And no matter how profound our efforts to uphold civility and society, as well as . . . oh hell . . .  just expect a modicum of love and affection from a woman that treats us halfway decent in return, we are still inferior by virtue of our Y chromosome.  

Feminism has always tried to control men, and by extension, male sexuality.  In turn, women's sexuality is paramount and should be always given precedence over men's, which is clearly seen in anything with reproductive choice, child support, cuckolding, and the like.  This appeals strongly to women who don't completely share the outright hatred of the more extremist type; after all, it's something that has permeated our culture like a bonfire that seemingly cannot be doused.  Add this with massive redistribution of wealth from men via the state to women (supposedly for the sake of the children).  Imagine if the latter were to fall through (including welfare, CS, and alimony ground to a halt); if the doomsayers are correct, it is a possibility.  If more men wake up to realize they are being extorted, indirectly or otherwise, by a system that basically cares nothing for them outside of production and utility purposes---walking ATMs and sperm banks---things will be vastly different for the sexes, and all the cries to return to bullshit notions of chivalry would dissipate.   

By means of comparison, the feminists spouting hatred have a more insidious viewpoint than your average, smug, selfish Ameriskank.  Men are disposable, superfluous.  And although without men we would not have the advances in our historical evolution as we know it, we truly are perceived as deserving as the expendable sex.  I am still a little surprised that they still feel it should clandestine about it, considering how misandry extends to both the radical left as well as Necons.  Obviously, some of it is out in the open.  It would be a sick joke if they were not so earnest.

As Men Going Our Own Way, there are no hard and fast rules for every individual man, but spreading the word about the truth  has become crucial.   For those that have no respect for men and masculinity should ask themselves this: why should we have any respect for them when they continue to smash any underlying social contract asunder and leave no benefit for men?  


Roy said...

"And although without men we would not have the advances in our historical evolution as we know it, we truly are perceived as deserving as the expendable sex."

The answer, simplistic and primitive though it may be, may simply be to withdraw all contact with them.

Consider: they regard us men as expendable, undesirable even. But they DO need our earning power and our sperm. Withhold both and the beast dies. Quod erat demonstrandum!

Sami said...

Hey, hon

I've been MIA for a while, but just thought I'd drop in and see if you're ok. You sounded a tad fed up and discouraged.

Just wanted to say, don't give up. You're fighting a good fight and there's lots of people who take courage and strength from the things you say.

Your words have a way of speaking to people and that's the important thing. You get people to listen.

Don't lose heart, hon, you're doing an awesome job and personally I still get affected by the things you say, in a good way. :)

Hope everything is ok on your end of the wires. I'd say if you ever need to vent, I have a willing ear, ready to listen.

I know how it can feel to get fed up with things and start to wonder what the heck the point is, so if you ever do wanna just vent, I'm always happy to be vented too.

Keep hoping, hon. There's some fights in this world that are worth fighting, so don't give up. :)

Have a good one,


Sociopathic Revelation said...

I'm here Sami---I don't like the fact I don't pay attention to my blog the way I should; however, I have been living life and making ends meet. I may come and go in cycles, but one thing is certain---I'm far from done voicing what I think, so you know I'll be around. Thanks for the concern. SR

Daisy Deadhead said...

Men are being removed as main authority of the family

So you think its good to return to a traditional man-as-head-of-household? Was/Is this really good for men?

Men as "head" of household are the cause of the rest of your complaints, like alimony, logically follows that if men are in charge, women need protecting. These situations you decry are a result of 'men as final authority'.

Roy: Consider: they regard us men as expendable, undesirable even. But they DO need our earning power and our sperm. Withhold both and the beast dies.

I guess you never heard of separatism? Many Second Wave feminist counseled us to LEAVE MEN in droves and move onto women's land... they thought we should not have anything to do with men. They seemed to think men were the ones who couldn't live without women. Ironic, huh?

Feminism has always tried to control men, and by extension, male sexuality.

Which feminist theorists have done this? Most feminism from my era tried not to focus on men AT ALL.

I'd love to argue this stuff with some of yall, but first you need to be accurate.

Daisy Deadhead said...

Men are being removed as main authority of the family

So you think its good to return to a traditional man-as-head-of-household? Was/Is this really good for men?

Men as "head" of household are the cause of the rest of your complaints, like alimony, logically follows that if men are in charge, women need protecting. These situations you decry are a result of 'men as final authority'.

Roy: Consider: they regard us men as expendable, undesirable even. But they DO need our earning power and our sperm. Withhold both and the beast dies.

I guess you never heard of separatism? Many Second Wave feminist counseled us to LEAVE MEN in droves and move onto women's land... they thought we should not have anything to do with men. They seemed to think men were the ones who couldn't live without women. Ironic, huh?

Feminism has always tried to control men, and by extension, male sexuality.

Which feminist theorists have done this? Most feminism from my era tried not to focus on men AT ALL.

I'd love to argue this stuff with some of yall, but first you need to be accurate.