Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Trend I Simply Don't Like

This is actually nothing new but I figured I'd bring it up.

There are those in MGTOW that do have concern about their writings coming back to haunt them. I don't have that concern---it's not that I haven't faced the charge of "misogynist" before and while I don't care for it, I have had to fire backs socially before in order to procure something, whether it was my rep or my job. Doing nothing, in my world is worse than letting someone get away with rumors that get out of control or allegations that could get you in the proverbially firing squad.

Of course, there is the converse of that. Letting sleeping dogs lie because, it seems, there are people that are looking for a fight, and turn around to play the role of victim in order to justify any possible action.

I understand the need for being quasi-anon; I am to a certain extent and don't care for cyberspace wars. Many moons ago, apparently, a few blogs brought up on feminist circles raised their ire, and even a couple mentioned physical violence against the owners. Idle threats on the internet are a dime a dozen, but coming the source I'm not surprised. I realize the feminist-minded would say; no real feminist would ever do that. Oh, really? Nothing like the no true Scotsman fallacy to be employed again.

Needless to say, I'm sure if a man threatened violence---even in jest---that would prove that so many Western men hate women and would rather put them in their place in extremis than live and let live. Most men don't grow up wishing pain and hatred on women, and still don't. But if the situation I described above happened, they would be all over it.

I've been lurking off and on. Once thing I've noticed, while it may seem minsicule, are certain women out there that are posing as well meaning LTR seekers on personal ad sites, and then turning around and posting the contents---pictures, personal messages, and private emails for all the world to see on other forums and blogs as targets for ridicule and scorn. As if bots, fake ads, spam, attention whores, mangina mods on forums and personals were not enough to turn off an honest man looking to broaden his potential pool of dating material with clear intent.

It sucks because no personal information is really sacred if displayed in the cyber realm. There really is no reason for this other than a mockery device for female supremacists, emotional sadism, fixation, and the notion they can say and do anything they want towards others while acting righteous and elistist to feed their impoverished egos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey bro, I like your blog a lot. I am a 24 year old American male who has been a Hindu monk for the past 4 years, and I just spent 2 years living in India.

What I saw in India was that the women there are still like real women- humble, chaste, submissive, gentle, family-centered. These women know how to treat a man, and you can live a very peaceful and happy life with them.

On the other hand, you are lucky if you can get one of these bitch American women to stick with you for even 1 or 2 years before the whore runs off to some other man.

The solution to all of this feminist bullshit is simple- just boycott these trash American women, and go find a girl in places like South America or Asia. That is the simple solution. We can rant on and on about how hellish these disgusting feminist American women are, or we can simply boycott them and go find good women in traditional countries. Thus, when enough men do this, the spoiled "daddy's little princesses" American women will no longer be able to find a mate, and they will realize their mistake. If enough people boycott American women, the problem will go away, because these idiot women will no longer have anyone to abuse and manipulate with their demoniac feminist bullshit.

Keep up the blog, it is probably my favorite anti-feminist blog out there. Check out mine also,